



2016年夏にberklee jazz workshopに参加し学費全額免除を獲得。同奨学金でバークリー音楽大学へ進学。2019年4月にRalph PetersonとBern International jazz festivalに出演、同年5月にはサクソフォニスト、Melissa Aldanaとボストン、コネチカット、フィラデルフィア、ニューヨークでの演奏を果たす。同大学でJoanne Brackeen氏, Billy Kilson氏, Ralph Peterson氏などに師事。作曲、アレンジにも力を入れており、2021年のJEN young composer showcase にオリジナル曲、”Dear M”が選ばれる。2020年、帰国、拠点を日本に移し活動中。

Hatsune Hirakura

Professional Pianist, Hatsune HIrakura has had many performances with multiple bands in the Osaka and Tokyo area, including as a leader with her trio Hatsune Hirakura Trio. Pianist for Terri Lyne Carrington’s Berklee summer jazz workshop band in 2016. A Japan tour with her duo this December includes guest artists such as Takuya Kuroda on Trumpet. In April in 2019, 4 nights performance at the Bern jazz festival in Switzerland with drummer Ralph Peterson . In May in 2019, tour with Saxophonist Melissa Aldana in Boston, Connecticut, Philadelphia, and New York.